" The Lady in Green "

The Lady in Green
The Lady in Green
Mixed Technic



" The Lady in Red "

The Lady in Red

The Lady in Red

Clay on table with thermo-hardering water colour
( Lady with Pearls )
07 - 11 - 2002

" The Lady in Black "

The Lady in Black
The Lady in Black
1 - 12 - 2002
Das with fine acrylic colours on cartoon
( Lady with ear-rings )

" Holes "

19 - 12 - 2002
Clay with multipurpose and acrylic colours

" Cat Pride"

Cat Pride
Cat Pride


08 - 03 - 2003 Rome
photograph, oil and multipurpose colour on table

" The End of the Good Girls "

The End of Good Girls
The End of Good Girls
The End of Good Girls




Basilica della Misericordia
Sant'Elpidio a Mare (AP)
photographs and acrylic colours(530 black and 144 pale gold on cartoon with canvas
"Scaviamo una fossa nell'aria là non si sta stretti"
Paul Zelan